1269 – Jackpot City (Sarnia) - Launches c-Gaming
Last Wednesday, the 7th October 2015, Jackpot City (Sarnia) became the latest Centre to convert to the c-Gaming program. The Sarnia location has hosted bingo for numerous years under the Bingo Country brand and, with the formal launch, now converts to the company’s new brand Jackpot City and joins its sister location in St. Thomas deploying this brand.
The location is over 20,000 sq. ft. and will comprise of three core elements; 1) a common area housing Sales Points & Food Services and washrooms, 2) a bingo lounge housing traditional bingo, e-Bingo and PODs and 3) an entertainment lounge that will house a Bar, Taptix units and stage for hosting live entertainment, including a grand piano. The investment in this Centre is tracking north of $C2m and it is not finished yet. The end result is going to be tremendous. Another interesting point about this location is the focus that is being placed on the external look of the Centre, which is receiving equal treatment as the internal space.
I want to acknowledge the commitment of the company, led by Mr. Len Stuart, and on-theground senior operational team of Mr. George Prue and Mr. Tony DiMaria. They are planning a formal VIP launch in January 2016. Well Done Team Jackpot City! |
1270 – Gala Bingo Limited (UK)
It has been announced by Gala Bingo Limited, the largest retail operator of Bingo Clubs in the United Kingdom, that they will open a new club in Antelope Park, Southampton (UK) in January 2016.
This club will introduce an entirely new concept to bingo lovers. The investment aims to change the perception of bingo by broadening the brand’s appeal through the addition of new differentiated zones in which to play bingo and much improved facilities to attract a younger, modern day audience to play happily alongside Gala’s traditional audiences who have grown up with bingo and still like to enjoy it in a quieter environment.
This is the first new build club for Gala Bingo in nine (9) years. The forecasted investment is £5m (UK Pounds) and is expected to create fifty (50) new jobs for the local community. |
1271 – Rank Group PLC (UK)
On the 20th August 2015, the Rank Group reported its year end results. The CEO commented “I am delighted to be announcing a significant improvement in our performance with a strong set of results and profit growth across all our brands. Our 16% profit growth has translated into 18% adjusted EPS growth and a 24% increase in our annual dividend, which is reflected on a strong balance sheet and lower debt”.
He went on to say “We firmly believe that alongside growth in digital gambling, there will continue to be sustained demand for venue-based gambling in bingo clubs and casinos, which offer an experience that cannot be digitised.”
Rank has, over the last 15 years, been transitioning from a broad base Leisure & Entertainment Group into a focused Gaming Company. With strong brands and market presence you get the sense that has been successfully completed. |
1272 – Responsible Gaming
Once again, it is important to highlight to all Commercial Operators and Centre Staff the need to engage in this initiative constructively. In my quarterly meetings with the RGC & OLG representatives, I have been encouraged that we have seen positive improvements in the engagement and acceptance of this area of the business. I am due to have my next meeting in early December and am looking forward to receiving similar types of feedback from RGC representatives. Without question we must stay focused and continue to seek improvement and weave this into the fibre of our operational culture. I see that those constructive seeds are being sown within the Centre Staff/Managers.
We are moving in the right direction. This comes down to the acceptance, openness and willingness of our Centre staff in embracing RG culture into the business. Well done. |
1273 – Mr. Michael Kerr
It is with deep regret that I announce Mr. Michael Kerr passed away at the age of 58yrs old on the 6th October 2015 at his residence in Corpus Christi, Texas (USA). Michael started his career in the Gaming Industry in Ontario and for many years was a member of the ‘Bazaar & Novelty’ Team, heading up their Ontario Division in the early 90’s, prior to being selected to spearhead its entry in the UK. After leaving Bazaar, Michael moved to the USA undertaking several projects with numerous Gaming Companies in various States. Michael was always a larger-than-life character and will be missed by his family and friends.
I am sure you will join me in passing on our sincere condolences to the ‘Kerr Family’. |
1274 – BOT-Development Fund Initiative
At the beginning of October, the BOTDF launched its Regional Awareness Campaign in southwest Ontario, which focuses on Third Party (Retail) locations. The campaign is to drive awareness to the product and the community benefits that are driven from a purchase. The spotlight is placed on the Charity and it looks to make a connection to the ticket and the community.
The campaign is multi-level with Newsprint, Radio, TV, POS and digital (Geo-Fenching). It is the latter I find most interesting and will look forward to the results and impact of each of these mediums on the initiative.
As the results are compiled, I will forward them to you. If anyone has a suggestion on how to support (traditional paper) BOTs, please forward them to my office. |
1275 – Leveraging Suppliers/Vendors - Built-In Knowledge
I would bring to member’s attention the tremendous resources that are available to you if you only reach out and seek them. Our Suppliers/Vendors have a lot of knowledge to assist you in some of your business objectives.
For example, Bazaar Marketing has a broad understanding of the Breakopen Ticket Sector and how that remains relevant in today’s market. Combined with this is it deals in other promotional materials that are certainly worth looking into. Led by Mr. Peter Speck, this is a service minded company and I would encourage you to speak directly with Peter on what Bazaar Marketing can offer your business.
The same goes for the various other key industry Suppliers we have access to. I have listed below some key Suppliers.
Mr. Jim McLean Arrow Games (Canada) (T) 905-321-5488 (E) jmclean@tradeproducts.com
Mr. Peter Speck Bazaar Marketing (T) 905-688-7755 (E) pspeck@bazaarmarketing.com
Mr. Mark Newman Pollard Games, Inc. (T) 289-213-5044 (E) mark.newman@pollardgames.com
Mr. Peter Howard Diamond Game (T) 416-930-2158 (E) phoward@diamondgame.com
1276 – People on the Move
There have been numerous appointments since the last View and I list the ones I have knowledge of for your reference.
- Mr. David Fraser - Appointed to c-Gaming Team as Director Stakeholder Relations and Regulatory Compliance (OLG), reporting to Mr. Rick Gray.
- Ms. Valerie Braun - Appointed to c-Gaming Team as Director of Operations (OLG), reporting to Mr. Rick Gray.
- Ms. Mary O’Neill - Appointed Senior Manager ‘Marketing & Customer Experience’ c-Gaming (OLG), reporting to Ms. Diane Gartshore.
- Ms. Nadia Massingham - Appointed Senior Manager ‘New Products’ c-Gaming (OLG), reporting to Ms. Diane Gartshore.
- Ms. Cheryl Bortolussi - Appointed Senior Manager ‘Testing & Maintenance’ c-Gaming (OLG), reporting to Ms. Diane Gartshore.
- Mr. Stephen Johnston - Appointed Manager Stakeholder & Customers Relations at Diamond Game (Canada), reporting to Mr. Peter Howard.
I am sure you will join me in congratulating all of the above on their new appointments and wish them every success in their new jobs/functions. |
1277 – General Members Meeting
Our next General Members Meeting will be held in Toronto as indicated below.
DATE: 5th November 2015
DAY: Thursday
TIME: 10:00am to 1:00pm
LOCATION: Holiday Inn (Airport East) Hotel (600 Dixon Road)
ROOM: Centennial B
REFRESHMENTS: Light Snacks & Coffee |