The View Issue 167

Charitable Gaming - THE VIEW

1232 – Message from the [CGAO] Chair

1233 – Revitalization of Charitable (Bingo) Gaming

1234 – New CEO & President - OLG - Announced

1235 – Community Gaming Conference - 2015

1236 – People on the Move

1237 – CGAO Office

1232 – Message from the [CGAO] Chair

Below is a message from the Chair of the Commercial Gaming Association of Ontario.

Dear Members & Readers

This has now become an annual tradition for me since I became the Chair of the Association a few years ago. It is the one point in the year where I speak directly to our Members & Readers on the progress we are making as an Association and a sector.

Without question, 2014 has been a landmark year for the Charitable Gaming Sector and especially the Revitalization of Charitable (Bingo) Gaming,which has seen the channel now grow to twenty six (26) converted Centres as we close the year. These conversions of Bingo Halls into c-Gaming Centres is only achieved through the co-operation and co-ordination of Municipalities, Charities, Crown Corporations and the Commercial Operators all working together to achieve a common objective and Revitalize the Charitable Gaming Sector, which does so much good in the local communities where they are located.

The hard work and dedication that has been given by numerous individuals in the OLG, AGCO, Charities and Gaming Centre staff has really been tremendous. Without their combined energy the conversion process would not happen as smoothly as it now does. At the OLG we have seen a change in leadership from Mr. George Sweny (SVP) to Mr. Greg McKenzie (SVP) and the further appointment within the last six weeks of the year of a c-Gaming VP – Mr. Rick Gray, which is encouraging and offers opportunities for the year ahead.

During the course of the year the Association increased its membership and is reaching out to other Commercial Operators who have expressed an interest in joining the CGAO, which is tremendous and shows that working and standing together works to everyone’s benefit. I look forward to welcoming them into the fold once they are ready to join.

It is important to acknowledge the work of my Board Members who have dedicated their time through the year to drive our strategy forward. Their contributions have been of real value and I wanted to publicly thank each and every one of them. Also, I want to acknowledge the glue that binds this Association together, tireless hard work and dedication (mainly in the background) but without this individual we would never complete all the initiatives, meetings, presentations and notes. Naturally I am referring to our Administrator, Ms. Sandi Nesbitt. I want to thank her for another excellent year of hard work – well done Sandi.

Finally, I want to wish you and your families a very happy Holiday Season and a very successful 2015.

Michael E. Orser
Chair – CGAO Board of Directors.

1233 – Revitalization of Charitable (Bingo) Gaming

As we close the year, on the 17th December 2014 the Thunder Bay Community Bingo Centre completed phase one of the conversion process. The Thunder Bay team had decided that this conversion is a good opportunity to re-brand and re-position the experience, thus the Centre has re-branded Superior Shores Gaming Centre,retaining a direct connection to the local area and community. With this comes a new logo which I have placed below.

Superior Shores Gaming Centre Logo

This is a unique conversion as it has been undertaken by a Charitable Association and it the only Class B Centre that has converted. The work was extra challenging due to new location within the city and the refurbishment challenges this brings. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we acknowledge & congratulate Ms. Iris McCoy-Slongo (General Manager-Operators) and her team on this initial stage of the conversion. Well Done – TEAM Thunder Bay.

Charitable Bingo and Gaming Revitalization Logo

1234 – New CEO & President - OLG - Announced

It was announced by the Chair of the Board (OLG) the appointment of a new CEO & President of the OLG. As such, Mr. Stephen Rigby will undertake his new position on the 5th January 2015.

Mr. Rigby has been a long-term Federal Civil Servant working on some complex & important files with government. This knowledge and work experience will stand him in good stead as he undertakes his new role.

Upon Mr. Rigby taking up his appointment, Mr. Tom Marinelli will undertake his previous role and will assist Mr. Rigby during the initial transitional phase. I am sure you will join me in welcoming Mr. Rigby and thanking Mr. Marinelli for their current and future contributions to the OLG.

The CGAO will be reaching out directly to Mr. Rigby once he undertakes his new position.

1235 – Community Gaming Conference - 2015

Community Gaming Conference – New dates announced – January 21-22, 2015

The Conference is Open to Anyone Connected or Who has an Interest in Community Gaming (Bingo, Breakopens, Raffles)

The CGAO, in conjunction with the Canadian Gaming Association & Media Edge, will host the first of what will become an annual Community Gaming Conference with the emphasis on developing a Community Gaming Channel. This is focused on the commercial elements of what drives and engages consumers to visit our centres.

This conference is unique as it will look at what drives the business and engages the consumer. This is about engaging those who are in the industry to think and participate in discussion about how we can, on a broad front, enhance and enrich the contributions we make on a daily basis.

The conference is open to anyone who is involved with the Charitable Gaming sector, whether that is Bingo, Breakopen, Raffles, 50/50 Draws, Charity Representatives, Municipal Officials, Crown Corporations and Suppliers (both Gaming & Non-Gaming). It is only through engaging all parties that we can have a 360 degree discussion on how we drive for effective change for the future.

Therefore, EVERYONE is welcome and everybody will be welcomed at this landmark event and soon to be annual event.

Register now at

1236 – People on the Move

Since our last edition there is only one individual on the move, as mentioned below.

Mr. Rick Carpenter                            - After a long career in Charitable Gaming, mainly in Fort Erie & Welland (Ontario), in his role as General Manager-Operations, Rick retired from that position on the 19th December 2014. In the last eighteen months of Rick’s career, he has oversaw the conversion of both the Fort Erie & Welland Centres and ensured both have an opportunity to move into the future under the new platform. I am sure you will join me in wishing Rick and his family every success as he begins his retirement. Job Well Done – Rick!!!

1237 – CGAO Office

Please note the CGAO Administration Office will be closed from 4:00pm on the 24th December 2014 and will re-open on Monday the 5th January 2015. If you need any assistance during this time contact Peter McMahon directly through his e-mail at and he will get back to you as soon as possible.

On-Line @

Information: Resources: Reference

Contact Details

Office: 416-245-6365
Fax: 416-245-3449


Commercial Gaming Association Ontario

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