1732 – Casino-Time - Launches
Our iGaming Member Casino-Time has launched its platform in the last week. They had opted for a ‘soft launch approach’ and now begun the second platform to offer iBingo in the Province and, combined with Delta On-line, they cover over 70% of the cGaming sector.
As I am sure you can appreciate there has been a vast capital investment required by the company [Casino-Time] to achieve operational status. Through the work of CGAO and OCGA, we have secured iBingo exclusive for the sector to ensure we retain the direct connection between venue, the platform and the community [charities].
The platform will, in due course, be undertaking a marketing campaign to generate awareness of the offering and the Brand. (www.casontime.ca)
We [CGAO] want to acknowledge the senior directors of Casino-Time for the hard work and investment in bringing this platform to the market.
1733 – PlaySmart - cGaming Workshop
Our colleagues at the OLG are undertaking a workshop around the further development of the PlaySmart program within the cGaming environment. A cross section of individuals (mainly front line team members) will talk through the challenges and opportunities there are in strengthening and further building our PlaySmart platform.
The CGAO, alongside its members, will be present and active in this workshop, which is being hosted by the OLG-PlaySmart Team at York Mills on the 2nd of May 2024.
1734 – Queens Park Celebration Day - $C500m
On the 6th of May 2024, at Queens Park, the CGAO & OCGA will be hosting a Joint Celebration to mark the amazing achievement of reaching $C500m generated for 2,400 Community Based Charity Groups who, in turn, represent an estimated 28,000 volunteers.
Our Public Policy, ‘Charitable Bingo & Gaming Revitalization Initiative, which began in 2011 based on early pilot projects that started in 2005, has delivered in ensuring regular and consistent funds for the charity groups and the amazing work they undertake in the 28 communities they are located.
This is a unique partnership between the Commercial Operators, Charitable Groups and the Crown. This model is not repeated anywhere within North America and it works. It requires each of the partners to collaborate on ‘common objectives’ to collectively move the agenda forward.
Hence, the Presidents of both organization, Mr. Tony Rosa (CGAO) and Mr. Bill Wilson (OCGA) are looking forward to hosting this remarkable celebration and sharing the positive elements of this moment. |
1735 – Golf Day 2024
The CGAO will be hosting its annual Golf Day on the 6th of June 2024 at the Springfield Golf & Country Club in Guelph. This has been traditionally a very positive ‘social day’ for all who engage and attend.
We always, at the direction of the Chair & President - Mr. Tony Rosa, look to wrap the event up and have golfers on the road by 7:00pm. If you would like to place a team, could you please contact our Golf Day Co-ordinator Ms. Brenda Bennett at bbennett@cgeg.ca, who would be delighted to assist you.
We wanted to thank all our amazing sponsors for making this event work. Their support is duly noted. All their details are found on the enclosed Golf Flyer for your reference.
1736 – Canadian Gaming Conference - Toronto
The Canadian Gaming Summit is fast approaching and we are encouraging industry members to sign-up and attend this Premier Canadian Event. The CGAO, in partnership with the OCGA, will be hosting a couple of sessions related directly to cGaming.
It is a good platform to speak about the unique framework within Ontario and the hard fought success that we have achieved, as well as learning about the other developments that are being achieved within the broader gaming landscape. Details of the Summit are contained below for your information.
1737 – Delta Gaming Group
Through the leadership of their Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Shawn Fisher, the Delta Gaming Group continue to develop their consumer experience journey through the Bingo Sessions and the integration of entertainment events that occur (on average) quarterly and are well received by the consumers. Although built around a Bingo Session, it focuses more on the entertainment & engagement than big prize money and is well received by the consumers.
This is a prime example of the ‘Sociability’ that our Community Entertainment Venues offers to our consumers and they are responding positivity. We are aware that other members are slowly venturing into this space and we encourage them to do.
1738 – Charitable Gaming : Community Good : Brand
We recently had the chance to meet with the Marketing Manager CGCG – Ms Mary O’Neill to discuss the development of the brand and the tremendous work that has been achieved as well as the recent deployment of three media advertisement pieces showing the direct connection from venue to community and the clear positive impacts this makes in communities that host a cGaming venue.
Mary and team have a host of upcoming initiatives to continue to build and create awareness and there are numerous resources available to use from pictures, information pieces, social media and numerous graphics.
As we move further into 2024, Mary and team are more than willing to co-venture with a Commercial Operator, whether this is at summer festivals or other community events that fit within the scope of the brand objectives. We need to work collaboratively to see how this can be developed and supported through to market.
This is a long-term strategic objective, to develop the brand and generate awareness for the cGaming Sector and the tremendous value we generate to the Province and how we enrich the lives of individual in our communities.
I want to acknowledge and thank Mary O’Neill for her commitment to the development of this brand in a pleasant, professional and engaging approach – a pleasure to work with.
1739 – Charitable Gaming Joint Conference - 2024
CGAO and OCGA will be hosting our Joint Conference again in November, in Toronto. This is the Premier Conference that is focused on the Charitable Gaming Sector and well worth attending if you are connected to or work within cGaming.