1700 – cGaming Joint Conference – Navigating Change
On the 15th & 16th November, in Mississauga, the CGAO and OCGA re-activated our Joint Conference, which is designed to profile and promote the tremendous contribution we, with our partners, give to this province.

This was the first time we undertook a joint keynote address with the AGCO & OLG and, as an additional bonus, having both the Chairs and CEOs on the same stage echoing similar messages of support for the Charitable Gaming sector. This was within the context of the tremendous changes that are occurring in Ontario and how the Charitable Gaming sector needs to step up within the broader gambling environment.
We were equally pleased that iGO and their Executive Director – Ms. Martha Otton addressed the conference on the work and progress her team has completed since the launch of iGaming on the 4th of April 2022 in the province. Clearly, Martha and her team need to be congratulated on what they have achieved to date.
The panel on PlaySmart, having both the Vice President from the OLG and Director from RG-C, talk to the continuing work that OLG, RG-C and CGAO have been engaged in over numerous years, was very encouraging. This is an area we take very seriously and have an active role in promoting and supporting. This is made easier through the positive and engaging approach by both Catherine (OLG) and Lorelle (RG-C) who both take the time to explain, share and, more importantly, listen to the sector.
We thank all the panelists who contributed to the conference’s success.
Finally, to the Conference Co-Ordinating Team, Patricia Petrolo, Richard Schwar, and Mary O’Neill – sincere thanks to you for all your hard work and efforts in making the 2022 Navigating Change Conference so successful. |