1602 – CGAO – Annual General Meeting
On Tuesday the 8th June 2021, the CGAO undertook its Annual General Meeting. We had representatives from every member company, which was extremely encouraging. Our Chair & President, Mr. Tony Rosa, led the meeting to review the operational year. This past year (2020) was unprecedented in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting then pivoted to outline the future opportunities which are before us.
Tony passionately believes that the future is based on a compelling delivery of consumer experiences based on our foundation. Our foundation is built on a ‘social, safe entertaining environment’ for customers that has broad appeal within the community that they are located.
It is all about connectivity and leveraging the unique features of providing direct and immediate revenue to our aligned 2,200 charity groups, which are built on strong and long-term partnerships.
The AGM is also the time of year where the Directors present themselves to the Members at large for re-election. In a year where we feel the need for continuity, the Members opted for that approach as well, and as such all Directors were duly re-elected. The Officers of the CGAO remain unchanged.
Mr. Tony Rosa - Chair & President
Mr. Cam Johnstone - Vice Chair
Mr. Jeffery Holmes - Secretary
Mr. John Johnstone - Treasurer
Our next General Meeting is scheduled for 14th September 2021. |
1603 – Canadian Gaming V-Summit
On the 9th & 10th June 2021, Mr. Paul Burns [CEO & President, CGA] in partnership with Media Edge, brought together the Canadian Gaming Sector in a series of sessions covering a range of topics that are current and relevant to the challenges and opportunities the Sector will be facing once it emerges from a 15-month lockdown.
It was encouraging to see both the AGCO & OLG CEO’s, [Mr. Tom Mungham and Mr. Duncan Hannay] hosting key-note sessions discussing where they are, what is happening and where they are heading. In both cases, the sessions were extremely informative.
This event had over 700 delegates joining the V-Summit over the two days. Full credit to CGA and Media Edge in co-ordinating and delivering this event. |
1604 – The Sector – Getting Ready
The news this week that we will enter Phase 1 of the Ontario Re-opening Roadmap was indeed welcomed news. It begins the process to Recovery. We are not suggesting this will be immediate. It is our view that it will take some time to adjust and re-align to the new consumer requirements and behaviors.
However, we believe that through compelling consumer experiences that delight and engage, while providing an element of entertainment, excitement, and escapism, we will over time regain our consumers back within the Community Gaming Experience within this Province. But we need all partners to be aligned and committed to that goal, our Operators, our Charities, our Municipalities, our Crown Corporation, and our Regulator. Last year, through the combined efforts with all the head winds against us, we still delivered $C22m to our Charities. This is a remarkable achievement, by any measure.
We have encouraged our Members to remain in close contact and engage with our OLG cGaming Relationship Advisor[s] and AGCO inspector[s] as we map out our re-opening plans. Both crown agencies are here to assist and help as we go forward.
Building Back Capacity [Quick-Tips]
Getting Ready
Review all Health Protocols
Communication with Team Members (Staff)
Confirm they are willing and able to return to work when called
Ensure individual AGCO Registration status
Update and refresh Play-Smart protocols – Red Flag refresher
Engage and inform [AGCO & OLG]
Being Prepared
Measured and focused
Customers will accept a once in a generation ‘change’ factor
Re-balance Bingo Programmes
It will be about the experience and events
More than a Bingo Centre
1605 – Social Responsibility & Community Impact
For the past fourteen (14) months, there continues to be limited opportunity to engage with consumers. The CGAO has continued its joint engagement with the Play-Smart teams at OLG and RG-C.
While we continue to operate in a reduced capacity environment, Play-Smart continues to adapt new methods of accessibility to our consumers. This is being achieved using the interactive terminal in the venues, and in some cases by re-positioning their location and heightened remote support to our consumers where required.
We are continuing to work through new avenues to gain ‘touch or connection points’ to the consumers in a constructive fashion that brings awareness and opportunity for further information and education on gambling with balance during their Centre visits. More to come on this in the coming months.
We continue to be equally more aware of the challenges this lengthy pandemic is having on mental health. We are all attuned to listening to colleagues a little closer to ensure we offer support where required or directing them to the appropriate support.
The health and wellbeing of all is of paramount importance and just being a little kinder with our time does have value. |
1606 – UK Land-base Sector – Re-opens
In the last week of May, the UK economy slowly and carefully began the road to recovery. This is as a result of the tremendous work on their vaccination effort.
Bingo/Community Gaming Centres and Casino Entertainment Venues have welcomed back their consumers. After the first week, it was noted that generally there was a 70% return of admission when measured against pre-pandemic performance. It should be noted that this is an early indicator but is a solid base to re-build the business going forward if it can be retained.
It was further noted that a key challenge has been the return of all Team Members who have been furloughed over the pandemic period; an estimated 15%-20% loss. This is mainly because of Team Members undertaking new opportunities with other businesses during the pandemic period.
It is our intent to follow through and monitor our peers in the UK to see if their trajectory holds as they continue to move forward. |
1607 – Charities & Communities
It has been announced by the OCGA, that their new brand will be supported by its own Website promoting the tremendous and immediate work our 2,200 Charity/Non-Profits Groups undertake throughout the Province.

This continues to highlight, promote, and inform the broader population of the excellent work Charitable Gaming has been doing in this Province over the last 50 years, which has often been overlooked. This is a step to re-position that information gap in a very engaged and positive fashion.
We know Brands are not created, they are built through the commitments and efforts of all concerned. |