1581 – People on the Move
There has been further movement in people in and around the Gaming Sector, which we wish to acknowledge. Once again we have been unable to celebrate their appointments or contributions, as is fitting of these individuals, because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Please see the movements below.
- Ms. Jane D’Aoust - OLG (cGamimg)
It has been announced by Mr. David Fraser that Jane has decided to retire from the OLG effective the 31st December 2020. Jane has been a Senior Relationship Management Advisor supporting the eastern side of province. We want to thank Jane for all her hard work & efforts to cGaming in this province and wish her every success in her future plans.
- Mr. Egan Fitzpatrick - OLG (cGaming)
It has been announced by Mr. David Fraser that Egan has decided to retire from the OLG effective the 31st December 2020. Egan has been a Senior Relationship Management Specialist, Product & Testing, supporting the conversions of Centres to the cGaming platform. We want to thank Egan for all his hard work & efforts to cGaming in this province and wish him every success in his future plans.
- Ms. Penny Tosello - OLG (cGaming)
It has been announced by Mr. David Fraser that Penny has decided to retire from the OLG effective the 31st December 2020. Penny has been a Co-ordinator, Operations, and has supported the whole cGaming Team over the years, mainly in the background but this doesn’t mean her contribution was not equally important. We want to thank Penny for all her hard work & efforts to cGaming in this province and wish her every success in her future plans.
- Ms. Isabel McMurrich - Delta Gaming Group
After a scheduled leave of absence, Isabel has returned to her role as Director Marketing & Customer Experience at the Delta Gaming Group. Isabel works closely with the Senior Executive Team and supports the field in delivering and shaping the Delta Gaming Brand Experience.
- Ms. Breanna Clifford - Delta Gaming Group
It has been announced by Ms. Isabel McMurrich that Ms. Breanne Clifford will join her team, based at head office in Oakville. This strengthens the Delta Gaming Groups marketing & customer experience team to best position the group for the future challenges.
- Mr. Greg Moore - British Columbia Lottery Corporation
It was announced on the 25th November 2020 by the Chair of the Board, Mr. Peter Kappel,that the Interim Chief Executive Officer – Mr. Greg Moore will resign from the corporation effective 15th January 2021. He leaves the organization to pursue a new opportunity within the private sector.
On behalf of everyone at the CGAO we congratulate all the above in their retirements, promotions and appointments and wish them all every success as they go forward. |
1582 – Charity Awareness Brand
There continues to be progress on the implementation of the Charity Awareness Brand that has been developed by the OCGA. Due to the unique circumstances of the year, this is being done in a phased and measured approach that is reflective of the challenges the trading environment has thrown up.
Each of the Charity Co-ordinators have been given the Brand Guideline details and we, at the CGAO, are encouraging all our members to see how this could be integrated into our marketing materials as supporting elements to bring awareness to the unique element of the Charitable Gaming Sector and the Revitalization Initiative in this province.
We, at the CGAO, wish to acknowledge the leadership of Ms. Lynn Cassidy (OCGA-Executive Director) for her vision in the concept and Ms. Mary O’Neill (OCGA-Marketing Manager) for co-ordination and design management. A clear Team Effort that will, in the months and years ahead, bring value to the sector. |
1583 – Our Sector
Through the course of the year our sector has continued to face unique challenges, which has seen all our members greatly impacted. The reach of these challenges is not often fully understood or the pressures fully appreciated but, as the Centres have been restricted in their Operations, it has a ripple effect on our Team Members who have undertaken a period of being furloughed from their jobs and income.
Our Vendor Members have been equally impacted and yet have been tremendously supportive through this difficult period. We wish to acknowledge the teams at Arrow Games, Canadian Banknote, Diamond Game, IGT and Sci-Games who have been an excellent resource to our members
Our numerous Charity Groups have undergone months of no funds, which has impacted service and programs they provide in the community. Our colleagues at the OCGA continue to provide support to their members throughout this period.
We must not lose sight of the real, direct and meaningful impact we collectively bring to the communities we are located in through the combined work and efforts of our members and our Charity Groups.
With Commercial Operators responding swiftly in bringing the business to scale andwith the support of Ms. Lori Sullivan (COO -OLG) and her cGaming Team in meeting this challenge, we have collectively managed to raise $C17.7m for our Charities. |
1584 – Social Responsibility & Community Impact
The CGAO and its members recognize that the Revitalization of Charitable Bingo & Gaming in this province was a long-term project that will take years to fully implement and complete. This was started prior to the government modernization initiative of Land-based Gaming in our province and we have had to constructively manage through this period.
We continue to see the growth of our sector, increased local employment opportunities, ongoing measured capital investment and additional engagement of Charity/Non-Profit Groups joining the program. This has taken years to navigate and manage. It has occurred with a focus and commitment for all the partners [OLG, AGCO, Municipalities, Charities and Commercial Operators] and to date we collectively generated +$C300m for Community based Non Profit Charities and that is no small feat.
All our Operational Team Members undergo the required Play-Smart Training to ensure we provide our services in the most responsible and sustainable fashion possible. This work will be ongoing and we are committed to the balanced and measured applications of those programs that fit within our operational environment.
On the Health & Wellness front, as we enter the holiday trading period we remind all our members and their Teams to be extra vigilant around responsible play behaviours. Remember the Red Flag behavioural triggers and placing your training into positive action.
Combined with the above, at this time we need to be extra aware of the unusual play activity where we see new customers coming into our Centres and loading a Cabinet Game with $C500.00, playing a couple spins and then cashing out. This would raise a flag and should be carefully and constructively challenged.
We continue to flag again the importance of the www.Play-Smart.ca, which provides numerous educational and informational platforms and is a critical piece in the wider awareness campaign we have been engaging in for the last few years. It is about providing consumer information for informed and wise choices of our consumers to maximize their experience and enjoyment. |
1585 – iGaming (Ontario)
As you can imagine there has been, and is, a tremendous amount of discussion around the Federal & Provincial Governments announcements of Single Sport Betting and iGaming. This has been met with both excitement and concern.
There is tremendous excitement in terms of the ability to offer a digital platform to support the retail venues, but it must be stated that there is equal concern around the impacts this will have on the current marketplace and consumers choices if the retail venues are not part of the process and development of the framework going forward.
The CGAO continues to confer with our colleagues at Canadian Gaming Association to have a similar approach and understanding of the challenges and opportunities in Land-base Retail Gaming Sector [Casino’s and cGaming].
This is an evolving situation and I just wish to raise that there is (and will remain) an iGaming provider already operating in the Province, Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation. As the provincial framework changes and opens, this remains a potential possibility of engagement as we keep all our options open.
We, at the CGAO, want to acknowledge Minister Rod Phillips on his progressive announcement in the budget around iGaming. |
1586 – Overbrook Bingo Centre – Name Change
On Thursday, 17th December 2020, after a long period of hard work and investment, Overbrook Bingo Centre converted over to cGaming. There have been numerous challenges over the past twelve months in getting the Centre ready to make the transition and years of waiting. We, at the CGAO, wanted to acknowledge the work by Ms. Tatiana Pyzhov (President – Overbrook Bingo), Ms. Diane Gartshore (Director, Product/Testing cGaming) and Ms. Valarie Braun (Director, Operations cGaming) and their respective teams as well as the supporting efforts and hard work of our collective Vendors, Arrow Games, Canadian Banknote, Diamond Game and IGT in making this happen. Well done to all.
It has been further announced that effective 17th December 2020, the trading name of the business will change as follows:
From: Overbrook Bingo Centre - Ottawa To: Capital Gaming & Entertainment - Ottawa
We wish Tatiana and the whole Capital Gaming & Entertainment Team every success in the months and years ahead. |
1587 – CGAO Office
Due to the uniqueness of the trading environment and the potential issues that may occur over the next couple of weeks the CGAO will remain open throughout the Christmas and New Year period.
It is important that the CGAO is available to its members should they need our support and we will be there. |
1588 – Vacancy Notice
After deferring this announcement for the last eight months due the Covid-19 Pandemic, the CGAO will seek to appoint an Administrator in the early part of 2021. A vacancy notice is attached at the end of this newsletter.
During the last eight months we have been supported by Ms. Sandi Nesbitt in her retirement and by Ms. Brenda Bennett (Community Gaming & Entertainment) in bridging the gap, which we are truly grateful for and without their collective support it would have been impossible to provide the services and support. So a sincere thank you to them both.
1589 – Happy Holidays
All at the CGAO wanted to take this moment to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year. Without question, 2020 has turned the world upside down but in equal measure we have also seen amazing acts of kindness and human spirit come to the fore.
As we look to 2021, we see on the horizon (with the development, introduction and distribution of the vaccine) some optimism for our collective future and we sense that brighter days are ahead for all. |
Appendix – Vacancy Notice
Vacancy Notice – Fixed Term Contract Administrator – Remote Working
The Association
The Commercial Gaming Association of Ontario [CGAO] was formed in 2002 as a not-for-profit organization. It advocates for the commercial sector of the Charitable Gaming Industry within the province of Ontario. Over the years it has broadened its profile both nationally and internationally as an organization and is well regarded on numerous levels.
Job Scope
The role of Administrator is a perfect opportunity for an enthusiastic driven individual to work alongside the CGAO’s CEO.
The role is predominantly supporting the CEO in managing the day-to-day operations of the Association that includes the areas of communication, web-site updates, meeting co-ordination, taking of meeting minutes, reports as required, material preparation and general administration functions. It requires working closely with the CEO to maximize the performance of the CGAO.
It also requires strong customer/client service skills through responding effectively to inquiries and questions raised by external or internal stakeholders.
Core Accountabilities
- Ability to prepare and develop materials for CGAO meetings.
- Liaising with internal and external stakeholders through e-mail, telephone, live chat, and post.
- Able to develop a positive rapport with all stakeholders.
- Ensure that the CEO is always fully briefed on key information.
- Review and make recommendations to enhance and develop the CGAO website.
- Operate within budgetary limits.
- Have effective organizational abilities.
- Ability to draft and prepare communications for the CEO.
- Able to attend Members Meetings and record minutes/notes (roughly five times year).
- Any reasonable task as related to administration of the Association.
Skills Required
- Experience in dealing with internal and external stakeholders.
- Preferred knowledge of the Gaming Sector.
- Proficient in Microsoft Outlook, Word, Powerpoint and Excel.
- Excellent communication skills, both written and oral.
- Ability to operate within a budgetary level.
- Excellent time management and organizational skills.
- Enthusiastic team player with a drive to work independently.
- Ability to come up with ideas/concepts and suggestions/improvement to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the CGAO.
Reporting To & Hours
- Directly reporting to the CEO.
- Average 30 hours per week – ideally between 9:00am to 3:00pm – but flexible.
Contract Term and Compensation
- The Contractual Term will be for a two-year period. (Then the position will be reviewed.)
- The compensation will be a fixed rate amount [to be agreed].
- The successful candidate will work remotely.
- Submit application with current Resume and References to staffing@cgao.ca.
- Closing date for applications will be 26th February 2021
- Only those applicants receiving requests for interview will receive notice