The View - 210

Charitable Gaming - THE VIEW

1538 – Charitable Gaming Sector (Retail)

1539 – Getting Prepared Through Planning

1540 – Discovery Conference 2020

1541 – Partner Engagement

1542 – People On The Move

1538 – Charitable Gaming Sector (Retail)

The unprecedented crisis that has gripped the world over the last twelve weeks, Covid-19, remains an evolving situation that we, at the CGAO, are monitoring closely. The Charitable Gaming Sector, under recommendation from the CGAO Board and in consultation with the OLG & AGCO, undertook and remains in a temporary closure of all Centres until further notice. We are not unique in this situation, recognizing that our colleagues [Land-Based Casinos] at Canadian Gaming Association have taken a similar course of action within the province.

This has been an important, and the right-step to undertake. However, it comes at the critical revenue generating period of the year and as such this will have long-term impacts that will remain with the sector once the initial crisis has passed. Our Chair and Vice Chair have indicated clearly that at this moment our focus is on, and remains with, the welfare and wellbeing of our Team Members, our Charity Colleagues and Key Stakeholders, Simply put it is People over Profit and every effort is being made in supporting, communicating and connecting with those groups to assist where we can and pass on any government information that may be applicable to them.

This current environment is all about connectivity. The Charitable Gaming Sector is a highly social channel and our customers yearn for that connection with their local Community Gaming Centre. Efforts at digital connections, even through chat, have a value at this moment in time. Some of our members are looking at how this could be facilitated.

The economic impacts have been great. There is no hiding that fact. However, we are equally aware that our main beneficiaries of net revenue (our 1,900 Charity Groups) have equally seen their revenue opportunities impacted. These are Community Based Groups that deliver real and meaningful service to and within the communities they are based. We are aware and work closely with the OCGA who are undertaking a leading role in reviewing potential options and seeking what could be available.

Within four weeks so much has changed. We don’t feel it will just return to how it was. We all need to work harder to win back the confidence of the customers and Team Members and showcase strongly the unique value we bring to our partners and communities. There is no doubt we will all come through this challenging period a little wiser, far more aware and stronger in our focus to build a compelling customer experience.   

1539 – Getting Prepared Through Planning

Last week the CGAO and OLG [CGaming Team] met via conference call to start the process of planning for the Re-Engage, Re-Activate and Re-Launch of our sector, once we receive clearance from the Chief Medical Officer and Regulatory Bodies to re-start operations.

the CGAO and OLG, recognize that this will likely take a phased approach. We wish to ensure we build capacity under specific metrics that will limit the financial pressure on the business stakeholders. We will be meeting and aligning our planned approach for our sector each week so it can be forged and refined to offer maximum efficiency and effectiveness. 

This has been possible through the positive engagement of two teams [OLG & CGAO]. I wanted to thank and acknowledge Ms. Diane Gartshore and Ms. Valerie Braun – Directors OLG cGaming for their engagement and contribution to this process.

1540 – Discovery Conference 2020

It has been announced that the Discovery (RG) Conference, set for the 14th to 16th April 2020, has now been cancelled. This was not a decision that was taken lightly by the Responsible Gaming-Council (RG-C) but certainly the right one in light of travel restriction and gathering policies now in place.

1541 – Partner Engagement

We, at the CGAO, are engaged with all our key partners/stakeholders, sharing information and insights as the current situation unfolds. Regardless of which part of the sector you represent the underlying challenges are very similar, but we recognize the value of keeping communication open and flowing. I directly wish to thank the following for their time and efforts over the last few weeks. 

a)     Mr. Tom Mungham                - AGCO

b)     Ms. Lynn Cassidy                  - OCGA

c)     Ms. Lori Sullivan                    - OLG [and cGaming Team]

d)     Mr. Paul Burns                      - CGA

e)     Mr. Miles Baron                     - BBA [British Bingo Association]

In challenging times like these, strong stakeholder management greatly assists in the process of explaining and understanding the on-the-ground-challenges and through this it is hoped to make informed decisions as we all look to move forward.

1542 – People On The Move

There have been some major changes announced in the last few weeks with the Ontario Gambling Sector. Please see below who is on the move.  

Mr. Jean Major              - CEO & Registrar (AGCO)
...Has announced his retirement from that role, leading the organization to one of the world’s major Regulatory Bodies. [More to come on this later.] He will formally step down in late summer 2020.

Mr. Stephen Rigby          - CEO & President (OLG)
...Has announced his departure from that role after over 5yrs leading the organization through change in focus and operating platform. [More to come on this later.]. He will formally step down in the early summer 2020. A search for his replacement is presently underway.

Mr. Tom Mungham         - COO (AGCO)
...It has been announced that Tom Mungham will be promoted to become the next CEO & Registrar (AGCO) upon the departure of the current CEO [Mr. Jean Major]. 

Mr. David Phillips            - DCOO (AGCO)                      
...In early March, David re-joined the AGCO to the position of Deputy Chief Operating Officer. It has further been announced that David, upon Tom Mungham succeeding to the CEO & Registrar role, will be promoted to Chief Operating Officer (AGCO).            

We, at the CGAO, want to acknowledge these key announcements and wish all concerned every success in their new challenges and opportunities.

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Information: Resources: Reference

Contact Details

Office: 416-245-6365
Fax: 416-245-3449


Commercial Gaming Association Ontario

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