1499 – Annual General Meeting (AGM) - 2019
On the 7th May 2019, in Toronto, the CGAO held its AGM. The meeting was well attended with every member (but one) having a representative at the meeting. This was an opportunity to review an exciting and eventful year and the tremendous progress that has been achieved since we last convened in May 2018.
The major work that was completed on the amended commercial operator agreement now positions the sector to move forward and focus on delivering the key objective set a few years ago, to strengthen the Charitable Gaming presence on retaining the tremendous community benefits this brings where the cGaming Centre is active. This has been a longer process than we initially thought and, without question, the leadership of our Chair and Vice Chair has been critical in forging this amendment.
The Annual Report and Accounts were presented and approved by the membership, which was encouraging to see such support. One of the other key events that occurred at the AGM is the election of the Board. Each year in the CGAO 50% of the Board go for re-election for a two year term. The following Directors were re-elected by the members.
Election of Directors
Mr. Tony Rosa |
Community Gaming & Entertainment
Chair & President
Mr. Jeffrey Holmes
Kingston Bingo Group
Secretary (Administration)
Mr. John Johnstone
Delta Gaming Group
Treasurer (Finance)
Mr. Peter Howard
Diamond Game (Canada)
Mr. Cam Johnstone
Delta Gaming Group
Vice Chair
Mr. Cam Johnstone – was not up for re-election but was re-appointed an Officer and Vice Chair.
Our next General Meeting is set for the 10th September 2019 at the Holiday Inn (Airport East) Toronto
1500 – Canadian Gaming Conference - 2019
Please be advised that the Canadian Gaming Conference is set for Edmonton (Alberta) from the 18th June to 21st June 2019. We are aware that the Charitable/Community Gaming Sector has already between 60 to 70 delegates, which is extremely psoitive and we would encourage anyone thinking of being there to book now. For CGAO Members there is a discount code, which is available from Ms. Sandi Nesbitt. You can obtain this code by e-mailing her at nesbitt.s@sysmpatico.ca.
The cGaming Track is being presented by the CGAO and OCGA with input and support from our cGaming colleagues in Alberta. |
1501 – Revitalization of Charitable Gaming (cGaming)
After a long period of hard work undertaken by all partners, we are now able to focus on delivering a unique entertainment experience to our consumers. This social/communitygaming experience is very different from that of a Casino or Resort Venue setting. We are all about connectivity with our consumers, our communities, our charities and our partners. We are a business model that delivers direct and immediate local benefits and this has been our pattern for over 30 years in this province.
The amended service operator agreement is now being introduced through a Regional Approach,minimizing impact and maximizing the benefit. We now have two (2) regions active, Niagara and Southwest. Within the next week we will see the Eastern Region transition and then the two (2) following regions align to this platform.
What we are and remain encouraged about is the ‘partnership approach’, having two Crown Corporations [AGCO & OLG], Municipalities, local Charitable Groups [1,900 – who generate a volunteer base just short of 30,000 individuals] and Commercial Operators [independent businesses] all working together to secure and strengthen Charitable Gaming. This has been a long-term project and although it is still in the early stages, there are signs of stabilization. We believe the next two years will allow us a clearer picture on that outcome.
I feel the unique model we have collectively created in Ontario will serve as a potential road-map for other markets, not just in Canada but around the world. |
1502 – AGCO – Education Session
On the 7thMay 2019 the AGCO Operational and Policy Teams delivered an Educational Session around the Registrar’s Standards and Control Activities. This was a very informative session and was extremely well received, both in approach and delivery by the AGCO. Also, as part of the delegation the OLG cGaming Team Members were in attendance.
We, at the CGAO, have long had a very constructive relationship with the AGCO who are very progressive and engaging in how they deploy and deliver the regulatory environment we all live under. The incremental approach to ensure compliance in the risk based environment generates a more willing audience and an engaged registrant.
We took the opportunity to write to the Chief Operating Officer [AGCO] to acknowledge and welcome their approach. |
1503 – CGAO – Golf Day 2019
The CGAO Golf Day scheduled for June 2019 has been, at the request of our Chair, postponed until September 2019.
If you would like to join our Golf Day, please e-mail Ms. Sandi Nesbitt at nesbitt.s@sympatico.ca and she will forward the details. |
1504 – Ms. Darlene Jones – Delta Gaming Group
It was with deep sadness that Mr. John Johnstone [Senior Vice President – Delta Gaming Group] announced Ms. Darlene Jones had passed away peacefully in her sleep on the 22nd May 2019 after a courageous battle with cancer.
Recently Darlene has held the position of Gaming Centre Manager (Delta Gaming Centre – Niagara Falls). As one of the longest serving employees of Delta Gaming, she held numerous roles throughout the years.
The President of Delta Gaming – Mr. Duncan Cameron said “I would list Darlene amongst my personal friends. She was always adopting a cause (e.g. a dog with a broken leg) and seemed to have time for everything and everyone. We had a lot of things to figure out fast back in the day and Dar always took charge of it.” Those who knew Darlene understood how much pride she took in her work, always taking ownership for the things she would take on and completely dedicated herself to it.
I am sure you can appreciate the shock that has generated in the Delta Gaming Group where Management Teams work so closely together. We, in the CGAO, wish to send sincere condolences to the ‘Jones Family’ at this time. |
1505 – Ms. Sandi Nesbitt – CGAO Administrator
After many years as the Administrator of the CGAO and the predecessor organization RGSO, Sandi has decided to retire at the end of May 2019. This was formally announced at the AGM and prompted numerous tributes from all the members who hold Sandi in such high regard.
However, one tribute that was not forthcoming on that day was mine [McMahon] as I didn’t want to undermine or take away from the members good wishes but this is my opportunity.
Without question the debt of gratitude I owe Sandi I fear can never be repaid. Throughout our working connection, Sandi has always displayed the highest standards, a true professional, dedicated, hard working individual and a tremendous sounding board when all seemed to be going wrong. With her calm nature, she has always been able to bring a balanced rationale to issues affecting us from time-to-time that has allowed us, over the long-term, the right decisions to be sought and reached. This type of working relationship is not just created. It is forged over time and is based on mutual trust and respect. Sandi’sengagement has enriched this Association. She has also been a true ambassador for us and just an excellent person to have shared that working journey.
Without question, she will be greatly missed but we have had to accept that she deserves this time going forward to pursue other interests and experiences. Finally, thank you Sandi for all you have done over many years. It is and has always been, greatly appreciated. |
1506 – People on the Move
Since our last edition there have been many People on the Move. I have listed them below for your information.
Mr. Michael Orser - After many years in the sector and working with the Association, it was announced recently that he will be leaving his current post with Delta Boardwalk Gaming and would retire as Director at our AGM (CGAO). Michael was been instrumental in forging the development of Superstar Bingo, e-Bingo and (more recently) cGaming in this province. I am sure you will join me in wishing him and his family continued success in the future.
Mr. Greg McKenzie - It was announced that at the end of March 2019, Mr. Greg McKenzie will retire from his post as Chief Operating Officer (OLG). We, at the CGAO, took the opportunity to write to Greg prior to his departure to wish him a long and happy retirement.
Ms. Lori Sullivan - In early April 2019, Ms. Lori Sullivan was appointed the new Chief Operating Officer for the OLG. Lori previously held the position of internal Legal Counsel and Legal Director. We wish her well and every success in her new position with the Organization (OLG).
Ms. Mary O’ Neill - It was recently announced that Mary will be joining the OCGA Operational Team. Prior to this appointment, Mary worked at the OLG in the cGaming Division and has had a long positive relationship with the sector. Congratulations to Mary on her new appointment |