1491 – Joint Charitable Gaming Conference – Stronger Together
Nearly two (2) weeks ago we played joint host at the Charitable Gaming Conference in Mississauga with our sister organization, the OCGA. By all the feedback we received, this was a very positive conference for all those who attended and engaged in the experience. The key addresses from the CEO’s of AGCO & OLG similar messages around the evolving landscape of gambling in this province. The Charitable Gaming Sector remains a critical and important piece of the puzzle.
For years it has delivered real value directly back into the communities. It was and has been a cornerstone of our business platform and has been well accepted. This is unique in gaming in this province and an element Charitable Gaming needs to promote more as we go forward. It is, in essence, in-built ‘Social Responsibility’ for all Charitable Gaming Companies. The key elements that have been emerging are planning, progress, positioning, partnering and promoting our core business platform builds when we work together constructively to a common goal. We have already begun initial planning for 2019 in Mississauga and as details unfold we will release them to our members and interested parties.
We would (CGAO & OCGA) once again wish to thank all delegates and sponsors who made this possible and such an enjoyable event, especially to CBN who hosted a ‘promotional’ 50/50 draw for all the delegates as a prime example of understanding how to host and deploy 50/50 draws. Thank you to Kirk Arends and Bill Sidhu for co-ordinating this. |
1492 – AGCO – Phase 2
Please see the enclosed announcement issued by the AGCO on Friday, 30th November 2018, that continues the transition of the Electronic Raffle Regulatory Framework. We are fortunate to have a very efficient and effective regulator in the province.
The Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is pleased to announce the launch of its second phase of the Electronic Raffle Regulatory Framework, which expands raffle and electronic raffle online options for charities in Ontario.
These changes, effective immediately, are designed to provide charities and religious organizations with more flexibility and will help to reduce administrative burden when conducting and managing raffles.
Please see the Information Bulletin - no. 89 for a complete list of changes as well as links to related materials including an announcement about Catch the Ace progressive raffles.
Upcoming Information Sessions
An information session for suppliers considering submitting electronic raffle solutions for approval will be scheduled in the coming weeks. Look for details in your inbox soon.
Have a Question or Concern?
For more information, visit us online at www.agco.ca or contact AGCO Customer Service at 416-326-8700 or 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario). You may also submit an inquiry or complaint online at agco.ca/iagco.
Are you ready for iAGCO?
AGCO launched online services for lottery and gaming suppliers on November 19th. Visit agco.ca/iagco for more information. |
1493 – Lotto Quebec – eBingo Pilot
In early November I had the opportunity to visit Montreal (Quebec) and see two (2) of the newly converted eBingo Centres with Mr. François-Patrick Allard. There is clearly an atmosphere of change surrounding these Centres and all that goes with the change management elements of both customers and staff.
It is certainly not easy but, combined, the Commercial Operators and Lotto-Quebec are working collectively through the issues. The last of the five (5) Centres will convert in early December ’18, thus setting up the ‘pilot test period’ for the calendar year of 2019.
The program has been branded 'Bingo+' and this is described in the following fashion.
Bingo+ - interactive, social and fun, Bingo+ can be played using tablet, bingo cards or both. To take part in regular or special round of Bingo+, all you need to do is purchase an admission package. |
1494 – Community Engagement
The CGAO will be undertaking a ‘Community Engagement Plan‘ – 2019 through the year to raise constructive and positive awareness of the unique business platform that the partnership foundation is built on. We must bear in mind we have two (2) Crown Corporations, local Government, Community Based Non-Profit Groups and Community based Commercial Operators working together to deliver on the consumer experience.
We need to tell this story and share the good news and the tremendous local impact this program makes on a day-to-day basis in the communities that they are based in. More details will follow in early 2019.
Let us not forget that as we close 2018 this program has delivered back into direct dollars $C220 Million. This is an amazing feat and we need to share that news. |
1495 – cGaming Initiative
We continue to move forward in the development of Tap-N-Play Side-Games (previously known as POD Games) with the deployment of ‘Bath-Time Bucks’ as a prime example across the majority of our Centres. We will be jointly undertaking an internal marketing campaign to seek the engagement and awareness of these games to our customers.
We are also looking at the impact around admissions (attendance) to see developing trend and potential segmentation in order to tailor the bingo experience accordingly and effectively for current and future customers.
A broader discussion is also happening with the OLG on analytics and how to use data effectively to drive the business forward. In conversation with Mr. Rick Gray (VP cGaming), we are looking at what is available and how it could be potentially relayed to the sector. |
1496 – Responsible Gaming - Council
It was extremely encouraging to see the CEO, Ms. Shelley White, attend our conference as the guest of both the CGAO & OCGA in November. The CGAO has worked very constructively with the RG-C and the OLG (Play-Smart Team) in developing and forging RG as a cultural business pillar of the sector.
In all my dealings with RG-C, and especially Ms. Paula Antoniazzi – Director, it has always been extremely positive and, may I say, enjoyable to learn and obtain greater understanding. What is most encouraging, on our last quarter metrics like-for-like RG Touch-points have increased a further 10%. |
1497 – CGAO Office
This year the CGAO Office will be closing earlier due to our Administrator taking a well earned, extended winter break.
The office will be closed from 11th December 2018. Thus, all contact should be directed to Peter McMahon at mcmahon.pli@sympatico.ca in the first instance. |
1498 – There is a Buzz in Bingo (UK)
The largest Commercial Operator in the United Kingdom (UK), Gala Leisure Limited, who have traded under the brand ‘Buzz Bingo Brand’. This has also led to the re- naming of the company as the Buzz Group.
This has been a £40m investment and all 103 Clubs/Centres have undertaken the new brand.
The new brand has also created a new digital platform called Buzzbingo.com by the company that will allow, going forward, an integrated consumer platform. |