1449 – Employment Standards Act
With effect of 1st January 2018, there were major changes in the Employment Standards Act of Ontario. Most notably was the increase in minimum wage to $C14.00 per hour with a further projected increase on the 1st January 2019 to $C15.00 per hour and then thereafter adjusted for inflation.
After the first month it is clear that this has impacted the financial performance of the Commercial Operators who are reporting a general increase across the board of 30% labour cost. Constructive efforts by Commercial Operators have been undertaken to mitigate and offset this additional cost without undermining the operations. This approach is no different from other sectors within the province who have had to look closely at their business models.
But we must not forget this is not only around a minimum wage increase. There are broader changes in reference to ‘leave(s) of absence’, which are changed and we encourage each Commercial Operator to speak with their HR support to ensure Gaming Centre Managers have a full command of these changes and that they are reflective in employees handbooks, etc.
One other issue I wish to flag to all Gaming Centre Managers is to retain focus on Health & Safety Standards and ensure your Centre and staff are in compliance. Regardless of the number of employees, health & safety is an important issue for both staff and consumer alike and senior Directors should take a moment to review current policies and practices to make certain you are up to date.
Further information can be obtained from the site below:
https://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/ |