The View - 194

Charitable Gaming - THE VIEW

1444 – Dolphin Gaming Centre

1445 – Play-Smart Initiatives

1446 – New Horizons Conference - Vancouver

1447 – British Columbia - Gaming Association

1448 – Canadian Gaming Summit - June 2018

1449 – Employment Standards Act

1450 – CGAO Office

1444 – Dolphin Gaming Centre

On Friday, the 28th January 2018, the Revitalization of Charitable Gaming saw the unique partnership of two crown corporations, municipalities, community based charities and commercial operators celebrate the $C8m the centre has generated since the conversion two years ago.

We had the local MPP and local councillor present to receive the cheque on behalf of the municipality and in the presence of numerous charities and volunteers who shared this moment at the centre with representatives from all partners, along with speeches from the OCGA and the OLG Team.

These events are opportunities to see and experience the real difference this initiative is making in the communities that they are located and the value the non-profit groups bring to the day-to-day life of residents.

The Dolphin Gaming Centre has equally seen a major transition with new employment opportunities and a major investment within the environment and ambience, which was a key element of the revitalization initiative.

1445 – Play-Smart Initiatives

The incremental deployment of the Play-Smart brand and platform continues within our centres. The change is focused from a ‘problem approach’ to that of ‘an educational and formal approach’ to customers playing habits and behaviours and is well underway.

The Play-Smart Team at the OLG will be hosting their annual Play-Smart Conference day that sees all the sectors come together to share and engage in the Play-Smart platform and have a collective understanding of the developments in this area. Representatives from the CGAO & OCGA attended this event in 2017 on the 21st February in Toronto.

Meanwhile, our colleagues at Community Gaming & Entertainment in Windsor are now engaged with the OLG Play-Smart Team and a pilot project that will see the introduction of an ambassador style program introduced to our centres. The initial steps in this project seem encouraging and the positive energy was noted at the opening session. I want to thank Community Gaming & Entertainment for their willingness and engagement in this pilot project.

1446 – New Horizons Conference - Vancouver

Between the 13th & 15th February, BCLC hosted it’s now successful RG Conference, New Horizons, in Vancouver. This is now in its sixth year and brings together all stakeholders within the gaming sector to have open conversations around all factors that form or impact RG issues within the sector.

This conference is open to all stakeholders in the sectors - researchers, operators, government bodies and counsellors. All are welcome and encouraged to engage in all the debates and look to set potential (and see emerging) trends in various fields of RG.

This was the first time we have had a representative from CGAO in attendance and going forward it should be added to our calendar of events.

1447 – British Columbia - Gaming Association

While in Vancouver we connected with the ‘British Columbia Gaming Industry Association’ to make an introduction from the CGAO to seek a greater understanding of our core challenges and opportunities that the Associations deal with on a day-to-day basis.

The British Columbia Association members are more Casino/Community Gaming Centre Operators. The issues are not too different from those we experience in the CGAO. We both agreed that going forward we maintain open communication and share experiences of developing Provincial Gaming Associations.

I want to thank their Executive Director, Mr. Peter Goudron, for his time and insights during my visit to British Columbia.

1448 – Canadian Gaming Summit - June 2018

The National Gaming Conference is fast approaching. This will take place on the 19th to 21st June in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The CGAO, OCGA and CGA are working together to bring forth the Charitable/Community Gaming Track for the conference.

With this being held in our home province [Ontario] we, at the CGAO, wish to encourage a strong participation of delegates and we flag the value of ‘Early Bird Registration’ to the conference.

Please find below the direct link for registration to the conference.

1449 – Employment Standards Act

With effect of 1st January 2018, there were major changes in the Employment Standards Act of Ontario. Most notably was the increase in minimum wage to $C14.00 per hour with a further projected increase on the 1st January 2019 to $C15.00 per hour and then thereafter adjusted for inflation.

After the first month it is clear that this has impacted the financial performance of the Commercial Operators who are reporting a general increase across the board of 30% labour cost. Constructive efforts by Commercial Operators have been undertaken to mitigate and offset this additional cost without undermining the operations. This approach is no different from other sectors within the province who have had to look closely at their business models.

But we must not forget this is not only around a minimum wage increase. There are broader changes in reference to ‘leave(s) of absence’, which are changed and we encourage each Commercial Operator to speak with their HR support to ensure Gaming Centre Managers have a full command of these changes and that they are reflective in employees handbooks, etc.

One other issue I wish to flag to all Gaming Centre Managers is to retain focus on Health & Safety Standards and ensure your Centre and staff are in compliance. Regardless of the number of employees, health & safety is an important issue for both staff and consumer alike and senior Directors should take a moment to review current policies and practices to make certain you are up to date.

Further information can be obtained from the site below:

1450 – CGAO Office

Please be advised that the CGAO office will be closed from the 1st March to the 30th March 2018. During this time please contact Peter McMahon directly on mobile phone or e-mail at

Our Chair has offered a coverage service via his office during this time and Administrative Assistant, Ms. Brenda Bennett, can be contacted at (519) 948-7500 or at I want to thank Brenda for assisting the CGAO during this period.

The office will re-open on the 30th March 2018.

On-Line @

Information: Resources: Reference

Contact Details

Office: 416-245-6365
Fax: 416-245-3449


Commercial Gaming Association Ontario

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