1402 – Vancouver Conference - 2017
A few weeks ago the Canadian Gaming industry gathered in Vancouver, British Columbia for the annual Gaming Conference.
This year saw the CGAO partner with OCGA in delivering the Charitable/Community Gaming channel content for this conference. It was encouraging to see such a high turnout and interest in our channel in light of the numerous pressures placed on us. What comes through loud and clear is the tremendous community value and partnership that Charitable/Community Gaming offers each province. It was, and is, extremely encouraging to see and hear the real opportunities that are before the sector. The social gaming platforms that fit within Charitable Gaming are developing at a rapid pace and we should look to be in a position to engage them with our customer experience platform.
Both the CGAO and OCGA are looking to re-group later this year and engage with both our members to keep this awareness top of mind. I wanted to publicly thank all our speakers and presenters for their time and insights in Vancouver. They all contributed to a successful Charitable/Community Gaming Conference. |
1403 – Innova Gaming Group
It has been publicly announced that Innova Gaming Group is supporting the bid launched by Pollard Gaming to purchase all common shares in the group. Should you require additional information, this is available via Innova Gaming Group web site or speak directly to Mr. Peter Howard (Director of Government & Stakeholder Relations) for Diamond Game at (416) 930-2158. |
1404 – AGCO - CGAO Training Pilot
We [CGAO] continue at a measured pace on the development of a pilot program for training that is linked to Registrar’s Gaming Standards. This is a broad partnership that, as well as the two principles (AGCO & CGAO), has also included the OLG (c-Gaming Division) and Sault-Ste-Marie College. The overall content and delivery method is coming together in an orderly fashion.
This project is being led by our Policy Advisor, Mr. Don Bourgeois, with firm and focused support from the Board of Directors (CGAO). What is important to remember is this is a pilot and they are designed to flush out critical elements to enhance potential programs for the future. |
1405 – Golf Day - 2017
On Thursday, the 8th June at the Springfield Golf & Country Club, the CGAO played host to the annual ‘Industry Golf Day’. Once again we were blessed with another tremendous day of weather and with the largest group of golfers we have ever seen on the course, coupled with the support of some tremendous sponsors.
The feedback we received was excellent from the golfing, the dining and the prizing, which was extremely encouraging and thanks is due to the work undertaken by our Golf Committee members through the course of the year.
However, the greatest compliment we received was the manner and efficiency of the whole day. We always look to ensure we get golfers on the road by 7:00pm at the latest and this is appreciated by the majority of our golfers and guests. |
1406 – Minimum Wage - Set to Increase
We have received numerous pieces of feedback from members and non-members on the recent announcement of the minimum wage increase, of which phase one (1) is due on the 1st January 2018 with phase two (2) following in January 2019, bringing the minimum wage in the province to $C15.00 per hour.
Without question, phase one will certainly have a tremendous (and material) impact on the financial performance of our members with an across the board hit of +32% with limited options of passing on the costs to our consumers. As with other small to medium size businesses in the province, we are assessing the options and how to respond in the most constructive fashion.
Our Chair has directed our lobbyist to set out potential avenues for us, which may follow a similar route of other Associations representing the hospitality or service sector. |
1407 – Rank Group PLC (UK)
It has been confirmed by the Rank Group that their bingo division will launch a new concept and brand this year within the greater Birmingham area of Warsall. This new brand will be called Luda and is focused on a more social, relaxing and convenient offering to the consumer.
This is an innovational concept for the sector that has faced challenges from the on-line explosion in the UK and falling customer visitation to a traditional Bingo Centre offering. |
1408 – Trading Performance
As we enter mid-summer season there has been some encouraging news on the trading front. In light of the many challenges and head-winds of the program and limited new product coming into the market, the Revitalization of Charitable Gaming continues to make measured gains.
Naturally, we are currently seeing a re-alignment of spending patterns (which was projected) that is slowly moving to the more engaging and exciting product offering/platforms but this is unpinned by the foundation of a core bingo offering delivering stable or minimum growth in visitations, which is good news.
On the product front, the Joint industry Committee has been working over the last few years or so to seek out new opportunities for products or re-fresh of current products to enhance our customer experience within the scope of Charitable/Community Gaming channel.
The time has come to acknowledge the initial success of this program and now turn our attention to delivering a more engaging product platform and customer experience. This unique partnership is bringing benefit to this province and we should all be proud of that joint achievement. |
1409 – Next General Meeting
Just a reminder to all CGAO members that our next General Meeting is scheduled for the 21st November 2017 in Toronto. Please confirm your attendance to our Administrator – Ms. Sandi Nesbitt at nesbitt.s@sympatico.ca. |
1410 – CGAO Change of Address
Please be advised that from the 1st August 2017 the CGAO will be changing its registered office address from Toronto to Windsor as indicated below.
Change of Address Details |
From |
To |
Commercial Gaming Association of Ontario |
Commercial Gaming Association of Ontario |
PO Box 34528 |
c/o 3240 Electricity Drive |
1533 Jane Street |
WINDSOR, Ontario |
TORONTO, Ontario. |
N8W 5J1 |
M9N 3W7 |