1332 – New Chair OLG Nominated
It has been announced that the Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation (OLG) will receive a new Chair of the Board, once the nomination has been approved. I enclose below for your information a copy of the release on Mr. George Cooke’s pending appointment.
Ontario has nominated George L. Cooke as the new Chair of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG).
Mr. Cooke has decades of senior leadership experience, including more than 20 years as President and CEO of The Dominion of Canada General Insurance Company. He is also Chair of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Administration Corporation and the Canadian National Insurance Crime Services. In January 2015, Mr. Cooke was appointed as a member of Ontario's Advisory Committee, reviewing the mandates of The Financial Services Commission of Ontario, The Financial Services Tribunal and The Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario.
His work on major boards and organizations supporting periods of transformative change has provided Mr. Cooke with the skills, experience and perspective to support the OLG as it continues to implement its modernization plan over the next three years. The government thanks Phil Olsson, the outgoing OLG Chair, for his years of service. Mr. Olsson played a key role in helping to put the horse racing sector on a stable and sustainable track and has positioned the OLG to continue with the modernization of its operations. |
1333 – Gambling Commission (UK) Appoints a New Chair
It was announced in late September by the Culture Secretary (UK) that the Gambling Commission (UK) will receive a new Chair, Mr. Bill Moyes. In making the appointment the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport – Ms. Karen Bradley said:
“I am delighted Bill Moyes is taking up the position as Chair of the Gambling Commission. He has a wealth of experience across the public, private and voluntary sectors, which will serve him well at the Gambling Commission.” |
1334 – Ontario's Accessible Employment Law
I just want to take this moment to remind all businesses and non-profit organizations with 1-49 employees that you must, on the 1st January 2017, meet the requirements of Ontario’s Accessible Employment Law. This law has four (4) core parts; (a) Hiring, (b) Workplace Information, (c) Communication, and (d) Developing Talent.
If you need any assistance in this area or how to comply, the first reference point is the government web site (www.Ontario.ca/AccessibleEmployment) to learn more or speak with your Human Resources Advisor. |
1335 – Responsible Gaming
The ongoing commitment by the CGAO Board and staff to this area of the business continues. It has become a natural part of business life and an important one as we conduct our business on a day-to-day basis. The focus of the CGAO has always been and remains one of balance in the fashion and manner it is deployed in our Centres.
Over the course of the last couple of years the CGAO staff, in tandem with the Director from Responsible Gambling Council and Business Relationship Manager (c-Gaming) OLG, has been meeting quarterly to exchange constructively the issues, challenges and implementation of any RG issues within the c-Gaming Centres. To date this process has been very enlightening and positive in understanding the differing approaches undertaken by each organization in implementing various initiatives.
There are two key issues that have been undertaken or are about to be undertaken this year. (a) Self Exclusion – we now have a uniformed policy across all 31 c-Gaming Centres. This replaces the ‘Self Trespass Process’ that was temporarily deployed in our Centres. To date we have roughly 39 self exclusion requests processed, which works out to be roughly 1.2 per Centre. It is likely that we will continue to see this grow as greater awareness of the program becomes known. The majority of these ‘self exclusions’ are c-Gaming only with the minority coming from customers who already hold a ‘self exclusion’ notice in a Casino or Racino. It shows the system is working effectively at this time and (b) From November 2016 to April 2017, the Responsible Gambling Council will be re-branding the Margi [RG] Kiosk in your Centre under the brand name and colours of ‘Play-Smart’. This will re-enforce the global focus of RG in a more Informational & educational stream to our consumers. The Play-Smart brand will be further developed and expanded as a fully resourced channel for RG information and development. This will also see greater co-operation between the OLG (RG) Team and Responsible Gambling Council (RG-C) Team.

I do wish to publicly acknowledge the tremendous work undertaken by Ms. Paula Antoniazzi – Director RG-G and Ms. Shelli Donofrio – BRM (RG c-Gaming) OLG for all their hard work and efforts in this important initiative and their continued co-operation. |
1336 – Marketing - Making It's Mark
It has been greatly encouraging to see the initial seeds of brands and experiences being developed in the c-Gaming Channel. The leaders have been Delta Gaming Group and the tremendous work that the Delta Marketing Team is putting out there. But we are also seeing other independent Centres undertaking a marketing strategy. The clearest example of this is the Dolphin Gaming Centre in Toronto, who have recently launched a campaign through the GTA that speaks to ‘Upgraded Fun’ and sub lines ‘Play:Cheer:Eat:Drink’. This is simple, clear and concise messaging.
I believe this is a further example of the ongoing investment that the Commercial Operators are making in this initiative. Well Done – Team Dolphin. |
1337 – Municipal Cheques - Presentation
There have been numerous municipal cheque presentations that have occurred around the province, in Delta Gaming Centre – Brampton & Boardwalk Gaming Centre – Penetang, and will be followed by Delta Gaming Centre - Peterborough in the coming weeks.
These events have been tremendous in highlighting the work undertaken by the various charities in our communities and the dollars that are raised to support these community programs. It was extremely interesting and encouraging to hear the Mayor of Penetang speak so clearly and enthusiastically about the $C2.5m raised in his community, which results in a community/ volunteer contribution of double that amount [$C5.0m].
It is this type of acknowledgement that is greatly encouraging and shows that c-Gaming is working and achieving one of its core objectives. As we close out the year, the program is looking to hit a combined (estimated) provincial contribution to charities of $C130m.
Well done to the Charities, Staff and Co-Ordinators in those Centres. |
1338 – Calendar Note
As we head into 2017, it is worth remembering and factoring into your marketing/promotional planning cycle that Canada will be celebrating 150yrs since creation.
The Government of Canada will be gearing up to mark this tremendous milestone in the country’s history. It is important that we, through careful planning, ensure that our Centres are engaged and active in that celebration. I would strongly encourage you to speak to your suppliers for ideas or support in your promotional plans for Canada Day 2017. |
1339 – Next General Meeting
Just a reminder to all CGAO Members that our next General Meeting is scheduled for the 22nd November 2016. The details are noted below and we would be grateful if you could acknowledge your attendance.
22nd November 2016 Tuesday 10:00am to 1:00pm Holiday Inn (Airport East) Hotel Centennial B Light Snacks & Coffee
If you have not already done so, please confirm your attendance to our Administrator – Ms. Sandi Nesbitt at nesbitt.s@sympatico.ca. |
1340 – Rank Group PLC (UK) Bingo Division
The Rank Group PLC (UK) recently stated that its Bingo Division, Mecca Bingo, a leading global Bingo Company had managed to have its fifth consecutive quarter of revenue growth. The company has further stated that it will bring forth a new High-Street Bingo Concept that is aimed at reaching a truly multi-channel, single wallet, combined land-base and online brand, which would present something different to the current bingo offerings currently available in the UK.
Rank says, “This is likely to be launched under a separate brand name, with names Kudo Bingo and Lada Bingo mentioned as potential brand titles but yet to be confirmed. The aim, understandably given what we know about the demographics for the current UK Estate of bingo clubs, is to broaden the appeal of the core product to a more gender-neutral, younger demographic. “This is an opportunity to present to new customers something that is uncoloured by any preconceptions” says Martin Pugh [Managing Director of Mecca Bingo].
The new outlets will be located in busy high streets in big towns and cities. They will, according to Pugh, have the feel of the lounge areas in current Mecca Bingo Clubs with casual seating, an F&B offering, server-based gaming machines (the new outlets will be classified the same as Bingo Clubs with regards to machine allocations) and an electronic bingo offering of linked games with the Mecca network plus more instant bingo games”. |
1341 – AGCO - e-Raffle Consultation Paper
Just a reminder, if you are going to make an individual reply to the above mentioned consultation paper document, it must be into the AGCO by the 14th November 2016.
The Association (CGAO) will be sending an industry reply the AGCO directly. This is being co- ordinated by our Chair, Policy Advisor and our CEO.
If you have any questions, please contact our Administrator Ms. Sandi Nesbitt at nesbitt.s@sympatico.ca. |